Chance at MPR

If you listen to Minnesota Public Radio, you have probably heard of Dr. John Halberg, who does a weekly commentary on MPR about health. He’s also someone I work with at the U of M, and a very nice guy. Over the last year, I’ve asked him for 2nd opinions about my cancer. He’s given me helpful and compassionate advice, like all my doctors actually.

I saw him today and asked for a moment of his time. He said yes, and I mentioned that I have a request that is probably a long-shot, like most of my bike tours. I asked him if he could mention my upcoming ride during his show. He asked me for a summary of the ride, so he could forward it to Cathy Wurzer, Tom Crann, and other radio hosts. He also said there were no promises, but there’s a chance I could check in once in a while with MPR. It’s exciting to even have the chance.

The note I sent Dr. Halberg is below. I don’t know if it’ll work out or not, but I wanted to share it. If having cancer can add excitement to life, I’ll take it.

From: Steven Malikowski
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 10:12 AM
To: John Halberg
Subject: Summary of my ride to raise $ for cancer research

Dr. Halberg,

Thanks so much for offering to mention my story to staff at MPR, which I listen to every day. As you know, I’m 52 and had cancer for 2 years. Unfortunately, my cancer has spread, but there’s good news. I can still ride my bike, so I’m going to cycle across the US and raise money for cancer research. I’m confident I’ll finish the ride because I’m an experienced cyclist, and my doctors have given me a green light. So I’m going to go, on a bike carrying my tent and camping gear. As my bike blog shows, I love writing as much as cycling, so if MPR is interested, I could give updates during my ride. A brief description of my fund-raising ride is at All the money I’m raising is going to the Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF).

(The next paragraph may be more than you need. I’m sharing it in case it’s helpful.)

Next week, I’m meeting with Dr. Scott Dehm, a leading prostate cancer researcher at the University of Minnesota. PCF has given Dr. Dehm over a million dollars, so his research can continue. Meeting Dr. Dehm will be very special because I can talk with someone who is trying to help me, and by raising money for PCF, I can help him. My cycling blog will contain pictures and a story of my meeting with him.

Very Sincerely,


.. . . . . . . . . .
Steven R Malikowski, PhD
Education Program Specialist
Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
The University of Minnesota
5-255 Phillips Wangensteen Bldg.; MMC 381
420 Delaware Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455
612.626.3124 612.626.2694 (fax)

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