Wow, might have 2 or 3 years to live

Ruth and I just left an appointment with one of my oncologists in St. Paul. The oncologist said that I should live longer than most, but the median survivability for my cancer is 2-3 years. Even if I triple that, it’s much shorter than I ever thought.

Of course, I’m sad, annoyed, & more. I may even do something rare for me and curl up in bed for a while, but I can’t do that for long. The previous stuff I wrote here still applies–the value of dignity, the stupidity of more than a little TV, and the critical importance of getting out into this wonderful world. Those aren’t just pretty ideas.

And one more thing, I’m not dying while Trump is president. I want to be very clear about that. Any other suggestions?

Additional Info: After I wrote this post, I learned that the spread of my cancer was detected over a year sooner than than most because of a new scanner at the Mayo Clinic. At the least, that gives me another year. At the most, it could help me beat this. The cancer has still spread in risky ways, but finding it earlier also means it’s smaller. That should make chemo & other treatments more effective. The most important part to me is to laugh, live, and fight the cancer.

One thought on “Wow, might have 2 or 3 years to live

  1. Joy💖 As this may be a time when incredible people beat the odds🙏
    Do curl up in bed😢
    Smile and Cry…….

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