Some Help from Ken Barlow

I haven’t heard anything from MPR, about reporting my story, but contacting them made me wonder about contacting other news outlets, which led to this email exchange with Ken Barlow. Like I said before, if cancer can lead to a little excitement, I’ll take it.

From: Barlow, Ken [mailto: (email removed)]
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 8:05 AM
To: Steven Malikowski

Subject: Re: Bob Levy & Request

Hi Steven,

Thank you for the email! I have forwarded your info to our assignment desk and they will talk about possible story ideas in upcoming meetings.

The desk will contact you when/if they pursue your story.

Thank you again and good luck with the ride…you’re a good man.


Sent from Ken’s iPhone

On Apr 23, 2018, at 1:40 PM, Steven Malikowski <> wrote:

Hello Ken,

We met a couple of times at Bob Levy’s course on PC Psychology, for Family Medicine Residents at the University of Minnesota. In the notes below, I told Bob about a favor I’d like to ask you. He liked the idea and even said that I have his blessing.

I’d like to ask if KSTP News could briefly mention a story about how Minnesotans face large challenges. Two years ago, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, at age 50. Last year, I learned my cancer had spread, but there’s good news. I can still ride my bike, so I’m going to cycle across the US and raise money for cancer research.

I’m confident I’ll finish the ride because I’m an experienced cyclist, and my doctors have given me a green light. So I’m going to go, on a bike carrying my tent and camping gear. As my bike blog shows, I love writing as much as cycling, so if KSTP is interested, I could give updates during my ride. A brief description of my fund-raising ride is at . All the money I’m raising is going to the Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF).

This Friday, I’m meeting with Dr. Scott Dehm, a leading prostate cancer researcher at the University of Minnesota. PCF has given Dr. Dehm over a million dollars, so his research can continue. Meeting Dr. Dehm will be very special because I can talk with someone who is trying to help me, and by raising money for PCF, I can help him. My cycling blog will contain pictures and a story of my meeting with him.

Thanks for considering my request,
